Tuesday 13 September 2022

Why is the RA using auto access card /proximity system here in BBR?

Fyi, this is only a guarded neighborhood - not gated community. Moreover this is not a private nor strata property - this is more like an illegal 'gated community' that is being run by the RA.

Since when are the RAs allowed to implement auto access card/ proximity system despite not having the required 100% consent from the residents? Even strata or private properties are required to have 100% agreement from the residents!

Despite the RAs know that it is illegal to use auto access card system here, they have blatantly disregarded the guidelines /laws, and still implemented them anyhow for their own agenda.

So, where is the rule-of-law here? What happened to "Kedaulatan Undang-Undang" under Rukun Negara? Are the RAs here unable to follow the rule of law, unethical or corrupt?

The majority of residents now are urging the relevant authorities to investigate and put a stop to these illegal practices asap. Residents are thereby urged not to support such schemes anymore.


Drug traffickers are using houses within GnG and security personnel to store their "merchandise"


Dear Residents of BBR,

How do you know whether your RA chairman is an ethical law-abiding-citizen chairman or a selfish corrupt conman?

Your chairman is a conman when he breaks multiple laws to implement his own GnG scheme so that he can collect monthly fees (some call it toll, others would call it protection money) from the community.

Even though the property developer have clearly stated that the residence is not a gated community, your chairman still want to operate an illegal scheme taking advantage of the grey area and the residents' lack of knowledge in this subject.

Your chairman is a conman when he failed to inform the community the type of scheme that they are only allowed to operate is a guarded neighborhood scheme, not a gated community scheme.

Your chairman is a conman when he failed to inform the residents on the differences between a guarded neighborhood scheme vs. a gated community scheme.

Your chairman is a conman when he failed to inform the residents on the differences between a formal gated community scheme (under private/ strata residences) vs. an informal gated community scheme.

Your chairman is a conman when he operates a guarded neighborhood scheme as if it is a proper gated community scheme. Both schemes are very different, one is legal but the other is actually illegal. (Comparing an illegal scheme to a formal GC scheme is like comparing an apple to a pineapple).

Your chairman is a conman when he failed to inform the community of the limitations of an informal scheme.

Your chairman is a conman when he never inform the community what they "can and cannot do" under the local council guidelines while operating an informal scheme.

Your chairman is a conman when he instructs his security guards to stop and ask people for ID (such as MyKad or Driver's License), even though it is an offence.

Your chairman is a conman when he instructs his security guards to block the community or anyone that did not join his illegal "GnG" scheme. (Not having a residents' sticker or access card does not give RA the right to stop and check anyone - it is illegal, unlawful and an offence to do so).

Your chairman is a conman when he implements the prohibited card access system in non-private residences without sufficient consent and approval.

Your chairman is a conman when he breaks the laws to stop the community from moving in and out freely. (It is illegal and unlawful requiring residents of non-private residences to register at the guardhouse every time; it is also illegal and unlawful to stop others from access).

Your chairman is a conman when he has no regards for the laws, the rights of others and he thinks the entire residence belongs to him. He also does not believe in "the rule of law", has selfish agendas, and he imposes his beliefs and preferences on others. Your chairman is a conman when he indirectly forced the community to subscribe to his illegal scheme.

Above all, your RA chairman should have been more transparent first on the laws, guidelines, rules and regulations of what an informal scheme can and cannot do - and then let the community decide whether they want to sign up or not; not coerce them into joining without any knowledge whatsoever.

Did your chairman let the majority of residents decide whether to implement the government's approved Rukun Tetangga scheme or to operate an illegal informal gated community scheme?

If your chairman didn't do this before implementing his own scheme, then he is more likely a conman.


Cops are calling for more voluntary patrol schemes (Kawasan Rukun Tetangga - Skim Rondaan Sukarela SRS)... not illegal gated communities!

Please note that only SRS members under KRT (Skim Rondaan Sukarela under the Rukun Tetangga Act 2012) were empowered to stop and check individuals and vehicles entering their areas. 

Fyi, your RA's security guards were not empowered to do so.

Now, majority of residents want to implement Kawasan Rukun Tetangga (KRT) in their neighbourhood, not informal gated community !!


We hope the new KPKT minister will address poor local govt enforcement on informal GnG schemes

What the Local Councils initially approved for Guarded Neighbourhood schemes now have become illegal Gated Communities. How? 

It is because unscrupulous RAs have gone against the Council's guidelines, flouting laws to implement their own version of the scheme in non-private residences.

Corrupt RAs have turned these guarded schemes to illegal gated communities by implementing prohibited procedures such as blocking public roads, guards asking the public for ID (such as Driver's License) and some even using auto access card system. Some are also prone to hiring unlicensed security guards. Now, this is the problem!

The above procedures introduced by the RAs are clearly against the laws in normal terrace houses residences under the jurisdiction of the local council. This type of informal gated communities run by RAs are divisive, a hindrance and a nuisance. Some say this type of illegal "GnG" only benefits the black market or syndicates - profiteering under the guise of providing neighbourhood security.

We hope the new government will implement housing policies that are inclusive, harmonious and in line with our National Unity Blueprint. 

It's also time to tackle the proliferation of illegal gated community schemes that are plaguing the country and causing so much problems for the communities. The government must put a stop to informal gated communities in non-private properties (operated by RAs) that are breaking multiple laws. 

The rights of all law-abiding citizens must be respected. (Haksaksama dan Kesejahteraan Komuniti). Informal or illegal gated community schemes are divisive and a hindrance in today's society.

We need new policies that prevent certain quarters from taking advantage for their own selfish agenda and duping residents into signing up and paying "security" fee every month. (The govt must always try to help the communities on the costs of living too).

What the majority of residents wanted initially... now have become the minority (continue to pay monthly "security fee" for as long as they are living here).

To ensure that such schemes are operated within guidelines with sufficient consent and based on what the majority of the residents truly want, we hope the following new amendments will be included into the requirements by the Local/ Municipal Councils before approvals are given:
  1. Fresh new written consents from the residents must be obtained up-to-date yearly and officially, and not only once during the initial application by the RA. It must reflect the current consents given by the residents every year, and not based on incorrect outdated consents given years ago. (This is because majority of the residents do not know what they were getting into at the beginning or were misguided. Also many residents prefer to drop-off the scheme along the way; some have moved out; and some do not want the scheme later on for obvious reasons after being coerced earlier on without any knowledge on the matter.
  2. A booklet containing all the relevant information on Guarded Neighbourhood schemes and KRT (Kawasan Rukun Tetangga with Skim Rondaan Sukarela (SRS) or Voluntary Patrol Schemes should be published and made available to all the residents before deciding whether they agree on what to sign up or not. The information should include the legality of the schemes, any related laws and acts (eg: Akta JPJ, Akta JPBD, etc.), the guidelines from the municipal council, what the RA and security guards can and cannot do, what is allowed, what is illegal, the rules, regulations, requirements, etc.
  3. Other information on the different types of properties such as strata vs private vs non-private, explaining the basic differences between them; management corporation vs joint management body vs residents association; KRT vs GnG schemes, Rukun Tetangga Act, input from Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa (JPBD), and the recommendation from PDRM, etc.
  4. Other information explaining the differences in the various gated and guarded schemes available in the country (gated community scheme vs guarded neighbourhood scheme); etc.
  5. Approval requirements, enforcement, implementation of scheme, etc. 


Beware of illegal GnG schemes by corrupt RAs that are flouting guidelines and making residents pay

Why do we categorized the schemes here as illegal? Because the RAs here have broken all the laws and went against the guidelines given by the local council. 

The approved schemes were only meant for Guarded Neighborhood schemes and not for Gated Community schemes. (Even though they were originally legal Guarded Neighborhood schemes, but because the RAs have flouted the laws and guidelines, they have become illegal Gated Community schemes.)

So, hopefully now you understand the actual problem here.

Looks like none of the RAs follow any of the guidelines at all..

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